this quilt is the one amandajean gave a class on in town here and this is my spin on it. i have always wanted to try a ticker tape quilt BUT if you know me at all my motto is go big or go home. :) not a good motto with ticker tape!! :) so i decided to put them together and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. this really is my new favorite quilt. it was so fun playing around with the scraps to see how i wanted the blocks. scrap theropy as amanda calls it!!! :) so true!
here are a couple of the blocks up close. the top one i made a quilt like that one time. it was fun to do that again. the bottom one is what i would think of as true ticker tape.
i also like the log cabin look for ticker tape. i would call it raw edged.
this is the back. i did use some flannel on the back. flannel is my new favorite to work with. plus it is so nice and warm and soft to the touch. my boys LOVE it! :)
my sons third grade teacher is having some health issues to i'm working on this for her. i saw this on someones blog and fell in love with it. it's a 36 patch but when its held like this it has the affects of my string quilt. the kaleidoscope affect. SO fun.
wow it was nice to get some of this out here again. i've missed blog land. :) i don't know how to correct the blue writing so i just want you to know that therapy is spelled wrong. :);)