here is another
wip finished! not a very great picture but here is the good news - i was talking to a friend at work today and saying how i don't take very good picture and she said she could take the pictures for my blog!!! how cool is that??? we are going to barter stuff!! I LOVE IT!!! i have this quilt hanging in our libraries little quilt show for the next few weeks. i forgot to take a picture of the back and forgot to get measurements BUT i can tell you that for the most part unless i say otherwise it's a twin size. :)

this is pattern is called triangle tango from a better homes and gardens book i have. this quilt is for our school counselor. she got an award and so i HAD to make her a quilt!!! her award was best counselor in the state of
wi for elementary schools. we have the BEST!! she really is fantastic!!! i didn't use the same fabric twice - just like there are no two people alike and yet we can make it work into a lovely quilt. :) corny i know.

the back is once again just what i have around but i like the look. :) i guess you have to do what works for you. well, it's been awhile and i hope you have a great day. thanks for stopping.