Sunday, July 22, 2012

i haven't gone anywhere :)

 hello again! :)  it's been awhile but i thought i'd show a few of the things i've been up to!  i took amanda's class on how to make this quilt.  LOVE IT!!  my boys pre-school teacher retired so i made it for her.
 some of the ladies at the class were SO impressive with the fact that they were all about trying things.  i realized i needed to be more bold.  so i don't know if you can tell but the top pic is circles so that it looks like pebbles. this is my very FAV!!!  the bottom pic it flowers in different colors.  i need to still work on it but i really like this one also. :)
 baby quilt for someone at work.
 the back:)
 t-shirt quilt for a graduating senior.
 my sister wanted a new quilt so here are some of this pics.  hope you can see it because i really LOVE it!!!!
 there is a yellow side and green side with brown stippling.  SO PRETTY!!!  she loves it!
 and a pic of the binding.  hope everyone is having a FANTASTIC summer.  we are it's just going WAY to fast!! :)