my sister and i have always said that we know it's a good gift when we want to keep it! :) i would like to keep this quilt but i'm not going to. i have a friend who i've been helping show her how to quilt. she is taking to it like a duck to water. :) if she ever starts to blog she might have the word crazy in her title too! :)

this is one of my favorite blocks. some of the last of my FABULOUS polka dots. one of the reasons that i wanted to make her a quilt is that the first three quilts she has made she has given them to other people. i did the same thing and
amanda made me a quilt and i was THRILLED!!! so i thought i would keep that going. :)

this is the back. it's fabric i had and then i didn't have to go buy any. plus it matches so it worked!

binding is just a red that i used in the front. this should look very nice in her house. she has a brown leather couch and red accents. so do i thought ;) it really is more blessed to give than receive though! ;)