My sister and brother-in-law are all about using what you already have in your house that you think might be worthless or you don't have vision for, and I'm glad they are! We were in the sewing room trying to figure were things should go when my sister said "Chip go see what they already have" He went out to the garage and said "Paint the cubby hole piece" That piece came out of the room and was just the orange stained wood (not my fav at all) but once painted I it I LOVE it. He is also the one to say "Paint it and then display you fabric" I just love when people have vision and can see things. Now I only have one more update to this room. I have cute monogramed bins for my fabric sscraps coming. Super Cute!! I'm almost finished with the congrats quilt and then I only have to try and squeeze about 4-5 more out before the end of the year. :):) I guess I'll see about that! Have a great week!